Monday, May 16, 2011

Picket Fence: Episode 1

I mentioned in my last Yard Stuff update we are finally going to take the plunge and get a fence and I'm thrilled to share progress is being made!  Our first step toward picket paradise is to get our yard surveyed and marked off so the installers will know exactly where our property is.  It's a little tricky for us because our yard isn't a nice, typical subdivision rectangle.

This is part of our survey that was performed right before we closed on The Grafton.  As you can see, there's a weird clipped off corner and a third or so of our driveway is actually in our neighbor's yard.  Keep in mind, starting at the stoop, our property dips down considerably, about half way back, it turns into a crazy forest and there is basically a wild thicket of weeds bordering the whole lot.  Plus, take a look at the street border and the back line against the school's property... they aren't parallel, so as we stand in our yard, we can't really look "straight back" anywhere.  It's all on an angle.  Keeps things interesting, I guess.

Oh, and as far as the style of the fence goes, we decided on a "Mount Vernon dip" picket with pressure treated lumber.  We'll have three gates: one on each side of the house and one at the back so we can access the poison ivy field, if we should ever feel so inclined.  This is sort of what it will look like, except instead of the pointy tops, we're going with the flat black toppers.

Luckily, our fencing company recommended a guy who will come out and flag our yard every so often with little pink flags so we can clearly see what is actually our property.  We thought that's what we were getting when we first had our survey performed and paid to have it staked, but that guy only staked the corners... which is not helpful at all due to the reasons I stated above.  *sigh*  However, we now have a yard with a bit more color...

Here's that multi-colored azalea I mentioned in the last post.  I think it matches our new pink flags nicely.

Thanks, Borderline, Inc. for actually staking our yard in a way that is helpful and useful!

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