Despite it being cold, dark and sometimes spricket-infested, we spend a bunch of time in our basement... because it's home to our big screen TV, TIVO, and Xbox. Sure, we'd like to be those people who don't own a TV and so proudly advertise the fact we never watch any, spending all our time being productive and awesome, but we're not. I sit in traffic for hours, work all day, and dang it, I just want to come home and watch Glee. I think it is only natural that our basement is our first room to receive a complete overhaul.
Here's our "before". It looks so pitiful with just one piece of art, one candle and a Dyson handvac. |
Our design plan was dreamt up by John. I've got him reading some DIY blogs and he came across an idea to use board and batten as wainscoting. He thought it would be a perfect way to add some interest and flair to our drab basement. Or... he just wanted an excuse to finally buy an air compressor and pneumatic nail gun... the world will never know (I'm pretty sure it's the latter).
John pondering his evil design plan. |
The first step on our basement fauxscoting project (John's clever term) was to paint the basement walls with our accent color. We decided to follow suit with our inspiration and pick a bright, fun color to liven it up down there. We chose Behr's "Flaming Torch", a warm, almost pumpkin orange that picks up on the tones of our oak floors.
Ta-da! |
I started taping off at the ceiling and down the stairs (since our walls meet directly with the carpeted steps). The ceiling taping came to a quick end as I got tired of trying to get the stupid tape up there and I was feeling brave and confident in my new
Shur-Line paintbrushes.
Curse you, wicked blue tape! |
Elliot quality-inspecting my work. |
So, of course, I did the cutting in along the ceiling and nooks and crannies (alcoves? do you know this word?... alcoves? - inside "I
n Bruges" joke) whilst John went to town with the roller. Yeah, I'm trying to bring back "whilst". If Conan can have "thrice", I can have "whilst".
If you can look past all the junk, there's me, up in the corner. |
After Day 1 of painting, we were left with this...
Up the stairs (obviously). Finally starting to cover up the damage caused in Couch v. Stairs |
Anyone notice how in some lights (or lack thereof), the orange appears a little... Home Depot orange? Eeks. I think we might spend a little bit too much time there...
With the accent color up on the walls, we were exhausted (I should have mentioned this project didn't start until about 6:00 p.m. and we finished painting at about 3:00 a.m.), but happy with our results and excited to get started on Phase Two: Board and Battens.
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